Welcome to Gimme Your Stuff, the cultural exchange blog where you can swap items of significance to your area with items from others around the world. A conduit for many an international cuisine to change hands. A place where you can trade a newspaper from South Africa, or a CD from Finland. A place where we take no responsibility for anything anyone else does. A place where we are Changing the world with other people’s stuff. New? Check out our How-To.

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    You can post, search, and meet here, you discuss and organise somewhere else, and we take ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY for broken agreements, international postage violations loss of privacy or anything else that may go on. We will not follow up any undelivered goods. Please check both countries' postage/quarantine laws before posting goods. ...just covering our arses.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

finland/singapore swap completed

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Ankaisa Finland, Europe
Alvina Singapore, Asia

From Singapore to Finland
Lots of good things to eat! Some have been eaten already, some are still waiting. These are not the kind of stuff you can find in my grocery store!

From Finland to Singapore
It always turns out to be such a delightful day when a parcel sits outside waiting at my doorstep. This time it is from Ankaisa all the way from Finland. She sent me a bagful of super cute fabrics and two sticks of lovely pearl shine lip gloss. I'm not just delighted, but thrilled to receive her parcel. I would really love to swap with her again. Thanks Ankaisa!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Monday, January 22, 2007

singapore/california complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Alvina Singapore, Asia
Phyllis California, USA

US stuff to Singapore
Guess what? Phyllis' parcel from California has arrived and it is HUGE! My goodness.. I can't even begin to describe how excited I was to open it. It was so wonderful filled with so much good stuff. Oh I love all the boxes, especially the briefcase one with the silver handles.. So divine! Then, there is the black cylindrical vinyl one, so classy! I tell you it would cost a bomb if I want to get such stuff here in Singapore. Also, the lip glosses. Gosh! There are so many of them I can't decide which to use first. They all look so delicious :) Phyllis even made a red sushi pouch for me. Isn't she sweet. I can just simply go on and on raving about how wonderful
her parcel is. Thanks Phyllis! You still top my list as being the most generous swapper.
Alvina (Craft Princess)

Singapore sends stuff to the US
This is my 3rd swap with alvina in singapore. as always, she's chosen wonderful things. she included more of her earrings and her handmade tissue cover and flower brooch. thank you!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Sunday, January 21, 2007

finland/portugal swap complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Ankaisa Finland, Europe
Swapper2: Margarida Portugal, Europe

From Portugal to Finland
I got this package with lots of goodies from Portugal! Most of it has already been eaten. Thanks fro being my verys first swap!

From Finland to Portugal
Those very nice chocolates are from my first swap in Gimme Your Stuff, they come from Finland, scented by Anna Kaisa. I liked a lot because I was in Finland in May 2005 and I’d loved the country and Fazer chocolates too. There aren’t all in the picture because we already eat some J . Thanks for every thing Anna.

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Saturday, January 20, 2007

alabama/finland completed

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Ankaisa Finland, Europe
Swapper2: Megan Alabama, US

From Alabama to Finland
I got this great package from Megan! I got to listen to Clay Aiken, which I can not get from here. And DS loves Darth Vader! Some of the chocolate got eaten before I could get a pic of it all, and not much is left anymore. We are planning on doing another swap!

From Finland to the US
Ankaisa was my first swap and it could not have been better. She sent some Finnish pop CDs that are a blast to listen to, some Fazer chocolate that is nearly gone, a Finnish magazine, some postcards, and - my favorite - a Marimekko notebook, among other things. I just love it!
She also sent some puzzles for my son that he opened even before I could take the photo! It was very sweet of her and I'm looking forward to another swap with her!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Friday, January 19, 2007

england/kansas complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Jean England, UK
Krista Kansas, USA

English stuff to Kansas
I received a parcel full of goodies from Jean in England. She sent me all the candy I requested and then some. It was all VERY yummy! The package also included an ornament, stickers, dessert mix, a postcard, beauty products, a reindeer bib for my son, Nate (which was a HUGE hit). Our cat, Kingston, even got in on the action. He was very curious about the mouse on the front of the magazine. Thanks for a wonderful swap!

US stuff to England
It's arrived another great parcel from another great Gimme Your Stuff swappie, took 4 weeks but well worth the wait and as you can see from the picture Olivia got stuck into the lollies straight away .Who could blame her with all that lovely candy. My husband enjoyed this parcel also as his favourite cakes were in Twinnkies. I sat down with the lovely magazine Krista had sent and some of the chocolate after having a real good look at all the stuff. Thanks Krista!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Thursday, January 18, 2007

singapore/sweden complete

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Malin Sweden, Europe
Swapper2: Shikin
Singapore, Asia

More Japanese/Singaporean Stuff arrives in Sweden
A whole bunch of kawaii stuff, all the way from Singapore and Shikin. There´s some Cram Cream deco tape, Sanrio stationary and stickers, softies and a mini chest of drawers, just to mention a few. I really loved everything, thanks a lot Shikin!

And Swedish stuff arrives in Singapore

Hello! Sorry for the delay.. I just came back from the land of kawaiiness (Japan!).
I love all the items that Malin gave me! it was exactly what i expected! Thanks Malin!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sweden/California Complete

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Sima California, USA
Swapper2: iNina Sweden, Europe

California to Sweden
Hej from Sweden,
Sima was my first swap-partner ever, and what a wonderful swap this was. I must be the happiest swapper ever! I received some very very yummy real Big Red chewing gum. It tastes so much better than the fake stuff you can buy here in Sweden. I also got really amazing pink yarn, a merino and silk blend. To make things even more pink, Sima sent a bunch of pink tooth brushes and wonderful roseberry chocolate, which I am saving for some special occasion - the chocolate, not the tooth brushes. I already read my Martha Steward Living magazine from front to back, while listening to Simas "American music" CDs. Oh I love love swapping. It was like early Christmas. Even the pens (which I was very keen on) are wonderful. Did you know there was a pen called "le pen"? No? If you ever do a swap with Sima you should really ask her to send one of those pens. Thank you Sima for everything. You were a great first-ever swap partner. I am looking forward to our next swap.
As you can see Tiger (my cat) thought the content of the swap package was highly interesting and placed himself amongst all the goodies.

Sweden to California
This email is rather delayed. I actually received Nina's wonderful swap before Christmas. It was so beautifully wrapped! She sent me yummy tea, a book of viking tales, a beautiful paper star to hang in my window, felt ornaments, gorgeous glass beads, and music. Including a CD of her husband's band! I absolutely loved everything she sent. We took our time setting up the swap and agreeing on some things, and it was a great experience. The crowning glory of the package though, was the little mouse cat toy. Stella (pictured here) has decided it's her favorite toy. So far we've found it in her food bowl, on the bed, and in random corners of the apartment. Too bad she'll have to wait 'till spring for another swap with Nina :)

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

singapore/france swap complete

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Alvina Singapore, Asia
N@thy France, Europe

French stuff to Singapore
I just received a wonderful package from Nathy in France. It was filled with
cute stationery and lots and lots of Christmas candies. She is such a sweet
and kind person to swap with too. Thanks Nathy for the lovely parcel.
Alvina (Craft Princess)

Singapore sends stuff to France
I was very glad to make this exchange with Alvina. who sent to me full of snack bar, candys and cookies of Singapore. Definitively I like to make exchange and test new products! Thank you Alvina .

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

oregon us/portugal swap complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Mariko Oregon, USA
Tania Portugal, Europe

Portuguese Stuff arrives in Oregon
Hey gang! Sorry this has taken FOREVER. Tania Ho in Portugal and I recently completed a swap. She sent me so much good stuff that I was embarrassed by what I sent her! I sent her a second package because I didn't want her to feel burned. Anyway, she sent me several very cool t-shirts, including the one in the photo. You can't tell, but it is fuzzy on the inside, so it is very cozy and warm. She also sent magazines, candy, a ton of lip balms, fabric, slipper sox, well, it was like a bottomless pit of goodness, and I was the lucky, lucky recipient. Woohoo!

US stuff arrives in Portugal

The lovely and talented Mariko really spoiled me with her packages. She sent me the cutest fabrics, loads of candies, yummy dark chocolate (yes, it's half gone already .. what can I say ? we love dark chocolate), a fantastic knitting magazine, goodies from her recent trip to Japan and not one but three lipglosses that I'm planning to use all winter long (hershey's chocolate, burt's bees raspberry and japanese cherry ... humm, all so delicious).

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff

Friday, January 05, 2007

Make the most of us!

In a universe-first here at Gimme we've had a fantastic article written for us by one of our members! Read on and learn how to avoid disappointing swaps, and get the most out of Gimme Your Stuff (except you can't have my computer or anything...)


After a few disappointing swaps, I thought it would be a good idea to put together a few hints and tips to try to help others avoid the frustration of getting a parcel full of things you just don't want! This is by no means an exhaustive list, but just my hints on how to get more out of your swapping and to get what you want every time!
Take time to learn a little about your swap partner. If you don't, you could end up sending things that they won't like or use. Likewise, if you can exchange a few emails and work in a few of your likes and dislikes into the conversation, you could avoid disappointment.
Don't be afraid to be honest! If your swap partner mentions that they are going to send something that you plain hate, speak up! If you are honest from the outset about your hopes from the swap parcel, you should hopefully get what you want!
Agree a theme and/or value for your package. If you and your swap partner have similar interests, e.g you are both knitters or you both are avid cat lovers, then why not make your swap themed? If you don't have a particular hobby, you could even make your swap chocolate themed or even swap stationery. If you don't want to go for a theme, it's a good idea to agree on an amount of money to spend on each other to ensure an even swap.
Plan ahead. If you're swapping at a busy time, for example Christmas, then make sure you leave plenty of time to post in time for your agreed "send by" date. It's also a good idea to do a bit of quick research into postage times/costs before agreeing your swap, or you could be in for a nasty surprise! It's worth bearing in mind that postal costs to overseas destinations in some countries are very expensive compared to others, so a "light items" theme could come in handy sometimes!
Remember why you're doing this! It can be easy after a disappointing swap to become downhearted or for you to even not want to do another - but by remembering why you got into this in the first place, you'll soon be back on the swapping horse!
Swapping is a great way to learn a little about another culture or country, be it through food, clothing, stationery, craft stuff, photos ... the world really IS your oyster!