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Monday, April 30, 2007

France & Bulgaria Swap Complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Boubouille France, Europe
Swapper2: Ruthie Bulgaria, Europe

Bulgaria to France

J'ai reçu par Ruthie un savon et un sac fait main Merci pour tout

France to BulgariaVirginie sent me the last issue of Marie Claire Idées (a french magazine I can't get here), she also sent lots of tea (flavors included caramel, green tea, wild berries, earl grey,etc) some fabric, ricola candies and some felt flowers, ribbon and feathers. Everything very nice. Thank you Virginie!!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Friday, April 27, 2007

France to California Complete

Swap Details:
Swapper1: boubouille France, Europe
Swapper2: daydreamdesigner California, USA

From California to France
Thank you very much for this package, they is extra. I received superb fabrics, full with kind of tea, funny buttons, full with postcards, a wonder, I adore that!!! make-up, a bracelet. It is a successful exchange. Thank you very much.

From France to CaliforniaI received a lovely package from Virginie. She filled it with yummy smelling teas, hair accessories, erasers, and other bits. Oh, even blackcurrant candy - YUM! Thanks again Virginie!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Finland/South Carolina Complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Ankaisa Finland, Europe
Swapper2: Elleoz South Carolina, USA

South Carolina to FinlandWell, it took a lot longer than expected, but the package actually did arrive. I was already so sure that it had been lost in the mail. The package did look a bit like it had been lying around somewhere collecting dust, but I have no idea where that was.

This is what I got from Carrie! DS loved the toy, and those almonds really are good. Thanks for swapping with me.

Finland to AlabamaI received first swap in the mail last week. What wonderful stuff from ankaisa straight from Finland. It was filled with all kinds of Moomin stuff, postcards, stationary, candy, chocolate, hand knitted bath stuff, and a great mix CD. I have to say that the chocolate didn't last long. Thanks so much ankaisa! I can't wait to do it again.

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Friday, April 20, 2007

California/China Swap

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Phyllis California, USA
Swapper2: Jo China, Asia

China to CaliforniaI received my package today from Jo in Shanghai. She just stuffed that package full of good things for me and my kids--snacks, hairbands, postcards, yarn, deco tape, and much much more. Thank you Jo!
Phyllis (dephal)

California to ChinaI really didn't know what's in store with this swap coz it was like a surprise. But Phyllis just had the sixth sense, and picked out things I like! Here's all the amazing stuff she sent from the USA! Notebooks, stickies pad, cute monkey keycaps, Strawberry Shortcake candle, muffin book, travel-sized toiletries, indie mirror, Seattle postcard, info & magnet, her University keychain, mug, pen, chocolates, candies, almond toppings (which i havent thought of how to use it), Tazo passion tea (with super rich aroma)! I particularly love the CareBear plasters (i'm quite accident prone), keycaps, notebooks and memopad. For me, anything cute goes! Thanks Phyllis, for this wonderful swap! U really made my day! =)

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Thursday, April 19, 2007

France/Brazil swap completed!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: N@thy France, Europe
Swapper2: Cibele Brazil, South America

Brazil to France
I'm very happy to receive the package from brazil who take long long time to come ! Cibèle make me a beautiful apron, she choose a beautiful fabric with Chickens and Sunflowers because she know I collect the both. She send me a lot of food too because she know I like to test everything! thank a lot cibèle.

From France to Brazil
I received a really nice parcel from Nathy, in France. She sent me really yummi candies, nice miniatures, postcards, things to pamper myself (parfum, lipgloss, lootion freebies, etc). It all smell so fine! She also sent me a mp3 cd full of French music! I loved everything!!!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sweden/California Completed!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Malin Sweden, Europe
Swapper2: Catherine California, USA

California to Sweden
Momokuro Boo bag and wallet, chopsticks with a case, Japanese candy and biscuits and a couple of ear-pokers (!!!!!!!). Everything is so lovely, especially the bag (even my sister loves the bag, and she doesn´t like kawaii at all!).
Thank you so much, Catherine!

Sweden to California

I was pretty much a screeching teenage girl upon opening my second Swedish package from Malin. After the initial high-speed ramble induced excitement I was finally able to gather my thoughts and settle emotions to coherently express thanks in this blog post for the wonderful gifts from Sweden... Many thanks Malin for the colorful and thoughtful gifts!(more here)

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Friday, April 13, 2007

Italy/Spain swap completed

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Kiarolla Italy, Europe
Swapper2: Itziar Spain, Europe

Spain to Italy
This I received from Itziar was my first swap and it was incredible! I like so much everything she sent to me, especially the Hello Kitty’s
lipgloss and gel, the little mirror and the accessories with polka dots! It was so funny and the chocolate was (yes…I still ate it!!) good! I like swapping with you, Itziar!
Italy to Spain
This has been my first swap with Italy and Kiarolla was such a fun toswap with!! I received a bunch of coloured goodies my teddy bear Tita hurried to make hers... There you have her: clips on one ear, an earring on the other (you can see the second earring just on top of the fun slip Tita didn't wear cause she's such a discrete bear). The little tube under her left arm is a tinietiny lipgloss and what you see in her other hand is a beautiful icecream earring Kiarolla made for me :o). What else? Shampoo ('love the stuff), pencil and rubber to match and the nicest letter ever. Thank you so much Kiarolla! I really apreciate the effort you put in the swap.

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Singapore/Scotland Swap Complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Makiyo Singapore, Asia
Swapper2: Marceline Scotland, UK

Scotland to Singapore
Here's my second swap from Marceline! From local goodies, juicy magazines, fashion accessoriess, handmade notebook, mix cd to paperchase's products! I'm thrilled! Thank you Marc! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness in this swap. If time allows, I hope we'll have a opportunity to swap again!

Singapore to Scotland
My swap package from Makiyo was HUGE and amazing, crammed full of bento accessories, beautiful stationery, mix CDs, tons of local sweets and snacks and a handmade book of local recipes. I loved it all and it even arrived with perfect timing two days after my birthday. Thanks Makiyo - I'm now addicted to all these snacks so will definitely have to swap again!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Swap Details:
Swapper1: Phyllis California, USA
Swapper2: Linda Singapore, Asia

Singapore to California

Just about in time for my birthday, I received a swap package from Linda in Singapore. There were all sorts of goodies inside, but here are a few of my favorites. She and her mom made that cute little pouch. Check out the button selection! And aren't those about the niftiest chopsticks you've ever seen? Ruthie enjoys the slide whistle.
Thank you, Linda!

California to Singapore

Hi. my package from Phyllis was wonderful! there were many candies and sweets which are so delicious. the small gifts she added are also interesting and i love them. (: i really enjoy this swap with Phyllis and thank her for making my first swap so memorable.

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International