Welcome to Gimme Your Stuff, the cultural exchange blog where you can swap items of significance to your area with items from others around the world. A conduit for many an international cuisine to change hands. A place where you can trade a newspaper from South Africa, or a CD from Finland. A place where we take no responsibility for anything anyone else does. A place where we are Changing the world with other people’s stuff. New? Check out our How-To.

    Please visit our buddies and keep Gimme Your Stuff going!


    You can post, search, and meet here, you discuss and organise somewhere else, and we take ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY for broken agreements, international postage violations loss of privacy or anything else that may go on. We will not follow up any undelivered goods. Please check both countries' postage/quarantine laws before posting goods. ...just covering our arses.

    Email your fine stories & pics to us.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Italy and Singapore Swap

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Federica Italy, Europe (link no longer valid)
Swapper2: Sammie Singapore, Asia
Swap completed: August/September 2007

Italy sends to Singapore

I am no longer a swap virgin! Fede was an awesome person to start my swaps with! She'’s from Palermo, Italy and we exchanged plenty of emails before we settled what we would be sending to each other. We agreed to do a semi-surprise swap so we promised to send a couple of ‘standard’ items and leave the rest up to our imaginations! Fede sent me an awesome top that I love and am waiting for the perfect time to wear it! I got a moka that’s an expresso machine and I’ve already tried it (interesting experience yall! If you’'re ever gonna do a swap with someone from Italy you should ask them to get you a moka!) She also sent me a couple of postcards, 3 pairs of
earrings, a bangle, newspaper, a notepaper set (complete with a cute eraser and a pencil!) and a notebook! We will also agreed to do a couple of follow-up swaps where we will send each other a couple of things ever few months or so and I really can’t wait! So yes, thank you fede! I'’m really glad I got to meet you through GYS. I will neverever forget you! And one day maybe we will meet for real ( : love ya babe!

Singapore sends to Italy

My first swap at all, was with Samantha. She is very nice and sweet, and I'm so happy to know her! I contacted her in august and we talked a lot via email, we talked of all! Then,after holydays, we sent the parcel..! When I opened mine it was a surprise, I was so excited and happy..There are a lot of things! In order from left: Chopsticks, tea cups, candies, pen, indian bangles,newspaper, coin bag, puthu, henne pen(wow!), mini jewelry box, strawberry pocky,
mentos(candies) , fruitjoy(candies), banana & chocolate candies, tea, snack, mini chips(chocolate biscuits), candies, kaftan, letter and cd with photos and istructions! So, thanks GYS to made me know my sweet Sammie and thanks to her for the magic swap!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Not again...

Hey all, really sorry about the lack of upkeep at Gimme recently :(
We had three people offer to help out but none of them are replying to emails anymore and they seem to now be unable to help. If anyone else would like to raise their hand, all you need is a little simple HTML knowledge and a desire to be involved!

For those who have send us their joining details, please rest assured that we still have them and will get you properly joined when we have the people to do it.

Please email us if you're interested in helping Gimme to continue.
Cheers :)