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Sunday, May 06, 2007


Swap Details:
Swapper1: Phyllis California, USA
Swapper2: Cibele Brazil, South America

Brazil to California
Cibele sent so many wonderful things. To name just a few: yarn, tea towels, stickers, and earrings, all in the Brazilian national colors. I love the Brazilian flag, BTW, and I kinda dig the national motto, which is "order and progress." There are Portuguese dictionaries, which is great--a lot of people around here are from the Azores, and I've been wanting to pick up a bit of the language. Oh, and just so much more, including a bunch of snacks not pictured here, and snow globes that Thing 1 had already whisked away when I took the pic.

California to Brazil
I have received an amazing box of goodies from my sweet friend Phyllis.
She sent me candies, lots of touristic brochures, postcards, a embroidering kit, a crochet magazine, knick-knacks, a candle, etc... Everything awsome!!!

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International


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