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Friday, December 22, 2006

Malaysia/California Done!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Dreamy Mimi Malaysia, Asia
Phyllis California, USA

California to Malaysia
My very first swap package from Phyllis (Dephal) arrived in good time - we were both surprised!! I loved everything she sent! From my requested Domino mag (she sent me two issues, thanks!!) to craft supplies such as pretty ribbons and paper, boxes of sweets (i dug into the starbursts as soon as i saw them:P), a yummy lip gloss and this really cool Post It notepad with a bird motif which we do not get here just to name a few. Am still taking time to admire them, thanks so much Phyllis - you made my first swap perfect! I think this swap thingy may just get a little addicting- it's so much fun!
Dreamy Mimi

Malaysia to California
I received my package today from Dreamy Mimi in Malaysia. It arrived amazingly quickly, considering it apparently took a side trip courtesy of Homeland Security (who determined that Malay goodies offer no threats to the country, I guess). It was chock full of wonderful things! We've already started gobbling the candy, and I think the coconut cake and the tea are next. She made me some beautiful things, too, and she included lots of helpful notes on everything. Thank you, Amirah!!

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