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Friday, November 17, 2006

Singapore/London Complete

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Salvagesistas Singapore, Asia
Swapper2: Katie Kaboom London, UK

Singapore to London
A great swap, small but a joy to receive, made all more the enjoyable by the little notes describing everything. Who knew such a small swap could be so fun. Ade is a person worth swapping with if you like nice surprises.
In terms of what I sent, for her love of vintage, I tried to do something quite fitting, I try to personalise the swaps I do to the persons likes.
Katie Kaboom

London to Singapore
When we thought it's lost, it came right at our doorstep that morning! I was so excited!
The packaging is really beautiful. Katie wrapped each gift in gold wrapper and placed them nicely in a box which she wrapped with a London-style paper. This is the most beautiful swap!
Salvagesistas (Ade)

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International


Anonymous Savory Tart Recipes said...

This iis awesome

2:17 am  

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