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Monday, November 20, 2006

Holland/Denmark Complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Erika Netherlands, Europe
Swapper2: Malene Denmark, Europe

Denmark to the Netherlands
Hello I'm Erika from Holland and i just recieved my first swap, it came from Denmark from Malene. Malene made a great package, everything beautifully wrapped. There where some great handmade skirts for the girls, some cushions, for me a beautiful basket with Danish goodies Some fabrics and a great craft magazine. The girls and me jumped round the table it really felt like Christmas and my birthday at ones . What a great way to meet people I can't wait to do another swap.

Netherlands to Denmark
Ok who is the most happy girl right now? I received a very beautiful packed parcel from Erika yesterday and look what was inside.....
Fabrics, magazines (my favorites), candy, cookies, small stamps, stickers, paper, 3 beautiful wrapped parcel for my kids and a cute little bag with a very lovely flag-garland.
My kids were very surprised and they opened their parcel and were even more surprised. Anton got some very nice stickers, he could fill-out with the pens that followed together with some nice stickers. Emma and Laura received each a cute handmade bag and inside the bag there were an apron with the same cake deko as on the bag. And there were more: small play cakes and others stuff in wood. They just kept saying "yes, yes juhu!!!".
Thank you very much, Erika, Mila and Sofia. I can only say, that I had a fantastic swap and that we're all ready planning to do one more before Christmas.
Warm greetings from a cold an rainy Denmark

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International


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