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Monday, November 27, 2006

California/Netherlands Done

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Phyllis California, USA
Swapper2: Mimmelli Netherlands, Europe

Netherlands to the California
I just got my second package today from Myriam (Mimmelli) in the Netherlands. It took forever to arrive, but it was worth waiting for. Among the wonderful goodies was a bunny and a ghost that Myriam made herself, and yarn that was spun near her home. My kids are already
enjoying the Dutch book and stickers. Thanks to Myriam for a wonderful swap, and big thanks to GYS for making all this fun possible!

California to Netherlands
A few weeks ago my package from Phyllis arrived. It was filled with the most amazing things: yarn, crochet magazines, candy (which didn't last, obviously :o)), a very cool pincushion, a lovely children's book and plenty more stuff for the kids.
They just came running and took everything they thought was for them, I was hardly able to take a propper picture, hahaha.
My son just loves his 'thomas engine', he takes it with him to sleep almost every night and my daughter still runs around the house singing bippidiboppidiboo, bewitching everything and everyone.
Thank you Phyllis for the swap and putting these smiles on my kids' faces.
Myriam (Mimmelli)

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff, Swap, Exchange, International


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