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Friday, September 22, 2006

Victoria/Michigan Finally Complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Melissa Michigan, USA
Kwoozy Victoria, Australia

Victoria's goodies reach Michigan
I'm very late in posting this! Some time ago (July?), Kwoozy and I agreed to send swap packages in mid-August. She sent hers early, so that tells you how late I am! There were other fun things, but my favorite is the tape! I've already used them on packages, and get such a fun feeling when I do. Also in the package were a ton of Japanese candies, plus rice crackers for John. I feel like I'm forgetting something, which is why I shouldn't delay posting pics and comments!

Michigan's finest goes to Victoria
This is the package from crazycatladymel Melissa via GYS. In the package were trim, 2 pieces of fabric, bag patterns and a few other bits and pieces. The best things for me were the patterns which are expensive to buy here.
I sent her various Jap and Aussie candies, cute packaging trim and a piece of cat print fabric in return. So as you can see, no cats were harm in the entire process. Thank you Mel!

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