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Monday, September 11, 2006

Victoria/California Swap Finito!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Babs California, USA
Kwoozy Victoria, Australia

Victoria's goodies reach California
Kwoozy's package from Australia arrived today!!
What fun from the land down under!! Kwoozy sent a lovely tee with the Aussie flag, candies (including the ever important Crunchie bars), two little furry friends (a koala & an echidna - though I think echindas are more spiky in real life), and my favorite: a little tablecloth (tea cloth) about things found in Victoria.
I used to eat Crunchie Bars when my childhood friend would mail them to me when she went home to Australia. She's since grown up & moved away, and I've been pining for these super sweet treats ever since.
THANK YOU, Kwoozy for sharing a little piece of Australia with me. I've been dying to go for a visit some day, particularly since I'm always meeting such cool & wonderful Aussies during my travels. Some day...some day! =)

California's finest goes to Victoria
And from sunny California, is this lovely package from Babs. She sent me pretty fabrics and the cutest buttons. I am already envisioning fabulous things to make with them. Alright, they are fabulous in my mind, knowing me, they could turn out otherwise. No matter, I now have a good luck Japanese kame charm. I am supposed to keep the turtle in a coin purse, but I think I may put in on the sewing machine instead - a cute motivation for me to try again when the lines are not straight and the wrong corners are sewn :) Babs also sent me a ribbon, a colourful pen and a written note on a San Fran postcard. Thank you very much Babs!

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