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Friday, September 01, 2006

Japan & California Share the Love

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Charlene California, USA
LuLu Japan, Asia

From Japan to California
I got a package from Lulu, and I absolutely loved it!
I'm learning so much about culture doing these swaps. I had asked for a craft book, and I learned what Zakka was (cute things for your home). Along with the book came some beautiful Japanese fabric (the instant background of my picture is one of the fabrics she sent, which I intend to make into a bag), some snacks, a mixed CD, CUTE postcards, a beautiful swirly pen, a lucky cat (which is peaking out from behind the fan with me), a pretty pouch, Japanese socks, a button, and (obviously) a Japanese fan!

From California to Japan
Yesterday i received my first package in the mail from Charlene in California via Gimme Your Stuff and it was so fantastic to get mail!!! I got some great magazines (including BUST a new favourite along with Aussie mag Frankie) and there was even a great local free paper called Cafe which was fantastic since when living in Australia i never paid any attention to free mags but i notice them all here in Tokyo so it was great to see some from other places!!! Also in the package was a handmade bag, stickers, chocolate, spices, postcards, dice lollipops (from VEGAS), some spices and a mix CD (Am also a huge fan of mix cd's and it is already in my ipod under Charlene's Calfifornia Mix).
Charlene went all out finding great stuff from California and surrounding areas, i just hope she enjoys my package as much as i enjoy hers!! Can't wait to receive more in the mail and get ready for the rest of my swaps!!!

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