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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Canada/France Swap Complete!

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Teresa Canada, North America
Swapper2: Emma France, Europe

France to Canada

I climbed a tree for you, GYS!
This was a surprise swap - I received the package from Emma before I was even ready to mail out hers. She gave me a whole bunch of great surprises, including: a little button with a bird silhouette on it (perfect for a project I'm working on right now!), some pamphlets from the opera and some museums, four balls of yarn, a mix cd with various French songs, some soap, 2 types of chocolate (which didn't last long!), a blue Paris rain poncho (seen here already hard at work on a windy September afternoon in Ontario!) and a Cuisine de Vins de France magazine (seen here being poured over while in my new rain poncho and standing on my front lawn). Thanks so much Emma, this was great :)
[Thanks for the great pic, Teresa! - Bosses]

Canada to FranceOh dear, not the most exciting image... but most of the things have been distributed over the house since I took this photo.
So this is perhaps half an hour after I opened the package, I found a tea I hadn't drunk for ages and promptly made a cup (see in photo). It was a lovely mix of gallery info and images, plus a knitting pattern, which I found kind of funny.
So, thanks

Tags: Gimme Your Stuff


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's not my swap!
Not sure if I sent you the photo for this swap... buggar.

4:43 pm  
Anonymous Kendrick Brown said...

Nicee blog

6:17 pm  

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