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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Michigan/California Swap Fin.

Swap Details:
Swapper1: Mel Michigan, USA
Freecia California, USA

Japanese stuff reaches Michigan via California only to be attacked by a normal-sized cat.
My first Gimme Your Stuff package arrived! I mailed mine out Tuesday, and the first one arrived at its destination on Friday. The second one is on its way to Japan, and there is one winging its way to me from there.
This one is from Freecia in Cali. We traded Japanese snacks (actually for John ('cuz I love him)) for a knitting needle case and stitch markers.
This is a pic of one of our cats, Charlie, who LOVES gummy candy. My husband has been sharing the treats Freecia sent with him. I kind of staged this one, but he's really eating one of the orange gummies. The grape flavor has been his favorite so far. The crackers are loooong gone (I think he likes those, too, but hubby didn't share those as far as I know).

Michigan gives good package.
Mel said she "gives good package" and I gotta say she gives Great Package. Check it out!

We've got a custom made Needle Holder (which is what we initially started out with). Then she put in sushi envelopes made just for me. The Magknits sushi kit was a bonus. The gorgeous stitch markers were a total surprise, along with chopsticks and chapstick (perfect combo!) and other knitterly goodies.

Thanks for a fantastic swap Mel! Also, send her some good thoughts and positive energy. She put this entire package together and sent it off while her Dad is in the hospital.



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