Japan/Australia GimmeSwap Complete!
Anjali's Japanese stash has reached me in Osutararia! I love the lollies and banana... things, but am still a little dubious about the fruit parfait flavoured Kit Kats, I don't think there's much Kit Kat in there, it tastes like yoghurt covered sultanas without the sultanas. My favourite bit was the fashion mags, now I'm hanging out even more to get to Japan and meet me some Japanese Goths. As my Japanese card says, 'What you have taste of cake?'
Thanks Anjali!
An Australian Koala in Japan.
Thanks for all the koala candy, the food magazine and the other treats! I don't know yet if I should thank you for the Vegemite snack pack....
Those all-natural gummy koalas were addictive to the point where, even with a gummy-induced stomachache, I couldn't stop eating.
Congrats on the great site, Rikki & Co. Good to see the GYS community growing and inducing tummy aches across the globe :)
Is that you in the top photo playing Japanese?? :-)
Course it's me :)
Ta Jon!
Gimme Your Tummyache. Brilliant!
You know I have a weakness for Aussie Asians!
Ramone, you scare me :)
Love the photo of you playing Japanese Rikki! nice one. Looks like a good trade too. :-)
Thanks Lisa!
Thom jsut got your pack, so that should be going up today :)
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