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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

South Australia/Texas Swap Complete!

More generosity from Australia!

Central Texas no longer has to live without South Australian treats and reading material.

In fact, we're ready and fully provisioned for a Tim-Tam versus Yo Yo taste test (er, except we ate all the Tim-Tams from Western Australia already, hint hint.)

Even more intriguing is the instance of marshmallow-cookie-sandwiches around the world. Texas has its Moon Pies and Little Debbie Marshmallow Pies, and Australia has its Wagon Wheels.

Are there other nations where marshmallow-filled cookies, excuse me, bikkies live?
GimmeSwappers need to know...

And what did South Australia get?

My life is now complete, that I have sat down reading The Austin Chronicle while eating snacks straight out of a Texan Supermarket. What I love most, day of the week cookies. Awesome. And the moon cakes, possibly the sweetest snack I have ever eaten.

Lovin this GimmeSwap.


Blogger Barsawad said...

Thank you for introducing me to this exceptional blog Rikki! I ceratainly will be a regular visitor here!

Do visit my blog too; for a very rare glimpse of my part of the world! Most probably, mine is the only blog on the Web, with such information - from my part of the World!

10:28 pm  

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