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Friday, May 12, 2006


So lets get this exchange ball rolling shall we. I'm offering VEGEMITE!!! The most Australian substance known to man. Japanese will like it because its a bit salty, Germans will like it because its heavy but good for you, the English will like it because we do everything better than them and Vegemite WALKS ALL OVER bovril. So I am calling for offers...


I will consider all offers... Offer anything you like! Lollies, biscuits, toys, clothing, CARS!!!


Blogger Willie Baronet said...

This is the grossest substance on the planet. Yikes. I was tricked into eating a spoonful once and my life has never been the same. :-)

1:06 pm  
Blogger ThomP said...

Vegemite is the bestest spread ever made by man! You FEAR what you don't understand.

5:01 pm  
Blogger Rikki said...

The best way to eat it is on toast with melted cheese on top. mmmmmmmmmm. salty goodness.

8:32 am  
Blogger Eau said...

how about egg tart?

3:37 pm  
Blogger Rikki said...

How would those go in the post?

4:35 pm  
Blogger Eau said...

what do you mean, rikki?

5:09 pm  
Blogger ThomP said...

they do look lovely but i think they may suffer from being sent in the mail...

12:16 am  
Blogger Lori Witzel said...

I am a new Vegemite convert.

Toast, a thin layer of Vegemite, and margarine (per Rikki's guidance) -- insanely, weirdly good!

Willie, if you can eat boudin you can re-try Vegemite.

2:35 am  
Blogger Working Class Dan said...

Apparentrly it's not Bovril that is competition for Vegemite, it's Marmite. But only the UK version, not the stuff sold as Marmite in stores here.

All smells like shit to me.

7:40 am  
Blogger Eau said...

in that case, you can to go to your nearest cantonese restaurant or make it yourself... i can't imagine it being too difficult

3:10 pm  
Blogger ThomP said...

They do look wonderful those egg tarts. If You think that you can mail it to me succeessfully I'd love to do the swap! they look scruptious. I was just a bit worried they might get smashed of turn bad on the journey...

7:18 pm  
Blogger Eau said...

lol, how about i mail you the ingredient list and instructions?

7:28 pm  
Blogger Deano said...

- we've been able to get Vegemite here in the UK for quite a while now - I'm addicted to it.

Best on croissants - a combination I thought I'd come up with myself until Dame Edna Everadge said that all culturally aware Aussies do it.

5:12 pm  
Blogger Rikki said...

Damn, looks like i'm not a real aussie :(
You don't want that european vegemite, you want that real aussie stuff... tastes totally different you know :)

5:23 pm  
Blogger Rikki said...

When i was in canada they had a jar at one supermarket, but it was gone the next day and i never saw it there again :(
Saddest day of my life.

5:24 pm  
Blogger Rikki said...

We're happy little vegemites
as bright as bright can be,
we all enjoy our Vegemite
for breakfast, lunch, and tea
our mummies say we're growing stronger
every single week
because we love our Vegemite
we all enjoy our Vegemite
it puts a rose in every cheek

1:42 pm  
Blogger Rikki said...

i always thought the line was 'we all adore our vegemite' not 'enjoy'... crazy wikipedia.

1:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a stash, you can never have enough!

2:48 am  
Blogger ThomP said...

BENCONSERVATO BENCONSERVATO BENCONSERVATO make a swap with me for something french! What do you miss from australia??? You have V'mite, but what else do you desire??? I will swap it for something cool and french!!!

11:48 am  
Blogger bratty said...

I thought it was adore too...

I love vegemite!

7:15 pm  

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