Welcome to Gimme Your Stuff, the cultural exchange blog where you can swap items of significance to your area with items from others around the world. A conduit for many an international cuisine to change hands. A place where you can trade a newspaper from South Africa, or a CD from Finland. A place where we take no responsibility for anything anyone else does. A place where we are Changing the world with other people’s stuff. New? Check out our How-To.

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    You can post, search, and meet here, you discuss and organise somewhere else, and we take ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY for broken agreements, international postage violations loss of privacy or anything else that may go on. We will not follow up any undelivered goods. Please check both countries' postage/quarantine laws before posting goods. ...just covering our arses.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

New Swaps and New Members

Japan / Australia
Some crazy Japanese candy is on it's way to Perth, while some less crazy Australian lollies head over the sea to Japan.

Japan / Texas
Additional Japanese candy (and more!) is heading to Texas, while cookbooks, strange Mexican candies and other artifacts voyage to Japan.

France / Australia
Some very secretive French items are being exchanged for some also very secretive Australian items, to remind an Aussie in France of home.

New York / Australia / Arizona
I hear that some New York chocolate coated chips are on their way to Australia and Arizona very soon...

Our first bunch of exchanges should be nearing completion any day now, in the meantime, I'd like to welcome our newest ambassadors from Japan, Finland, Hungary and France.

If you have any specific requests for other people's stuff, or you've got something to swap that you think is pretty damn cool, drop us a line and we'll try to write a post for you.


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