Welcome to Gimme Your Stuff, the cultural exchange blog where you can swap items of significance to your area with items from others around the world. A conduit for many an international cuisine to change hands. A place where you can trade a newspaper from South Africa, or a CD from Finland. A place where we take no responsibility for anything anyone else does. A place where we are Changing the world with other people’s stuff. New? Check out our How-To.

    Please visit our buddies and keep Gimme Your Stuff going!


    You can post, search, and meet here, you discuss and organise somewhere else, and we take ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY for broken agreements, international postage violations loss of privacy or anything else that may go on. We will not follow up any undelivered goods. Please check both countries' postage/quarantine laws before posting goods. ...just covering our arses.

    Email your fine stories & pics to us.

    Gimme Your Stuff

    Gimme Your Stuff

    Gimme Your Stuff

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Gimme Your Posts!

Wow, this thing is really working, thanks for the absolutely amazing amount of hits for just 2 days of operation!
Just to clarify: to join up you need to make a post on your own blog which says what you have to offer. We can then make your link directly to that post, saving everyone time and effort!
Thanks for your support everyone, let us know if you set up a good exchange!


Blogger Working Class Dan said...

This is just like the site I set up called Gimme Your Crack.

You can just imagine the myriad problems it created.

11:40 am  
Blogger Rikki said...

Oh Dan, you and you sharp wit :)
Now join mister.

11:42 am  
Blogger Rikki said...

I'm sure there are plenty of melbournish treats for you to trade... you gould get some real chocmilk...

11:42 am  
Blogger Working Class Dan said...

Choc Chill needs an escort across the Nullabor. It don't post so good.

I was just contemplating how I spend my endless days just thinking up stupid comments for blogs now, rather than being in any gainful employment. That, and i watch the strange cats ands caterpillars out my window.

Maybe I could operate some kind of GimmeYourStuff warehouse. When I was in the Balkans, I set up a site called Gimme Your Turnip. It was mildly successful tuber exchange.

1:07 pm  
Blogger Working Class Dan said...

What about an organ exchange? Gimme Your Kidney?

1:08 pm  
Blogger Working Class Dan said...

You should be trademarking these...

1:08 pm  
Blogger Working Class Dan said...

I'd join but I can't afford stamps.

1:09 pm  

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