Got prohibition? Need Gimmeyourstuff™!!!
I am wonderfully happy to announce to you that Gimmeyourstuff™ has moved into the world of BOOZE exchange. Now you can experience that woozy morning after feeling from THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD!!! Dave from Perth, and Lisa from New York are in the process of exchanging the best of their best local hop based, alcoholic beverages. We will post stories of their respective experiences (drunken-ness-osity-athon) as soon as it happens!!!
Gimmeyourstuff™ the possibilities are ENDLESS
Join and beer will come!
See over there on the right? you just sign up, and follow the instructions. Basically you create a post on your blog saying what you have/what you want then put that link in on the right... then i put you on the list and you email :)
You don't have to swap right away :)
Just do your post and sign up when you've done it :)
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